Category: Plant Care
Passion Fruit Planting and Care
Passion fruit (Passiflora spp.) is a tropical vine that can be grown in a food forest in central Florida. It is known for its unique, flavorful fruit and its beautiful, fragrant flowers. However, it’s important to note that passion fruit is sensitive to frost and cold temperatures, so it’s best to grow it in a…
Avocado Planting and Care
Avocado (Persea americana) is a tropical fruit tree that can be grown in a food forest in Central Florida, but it’s important to note that it requires a warm and frost-free climate, and it can be challenging to grow in this area. When choosing varieties of avocado to grow in your food forest, consider selecting…
Star Fruit Planting and Care
Star fruit, also known as carambola (Averrhoa carambola), is a tropical fruit tree that is well-suited for growing in a food forest in central Florida. It is a fast-growing, productive tree that is known for its unique, star-shaped fruit and numerous health benefits. When choosing varieties of star fruit to grow in your food forest,…
Peppers Planting and Care
Peppers (Capsicum spp.) are a warm-season vegetable that is well-suited for growing in a food forest in central Florida. They come in a wide range of varieties, from sweet to hot, and are known for their unique flavors and health benefits. Although traditionally thought of as an annual garden favorite, peppers can actually be a…
Turmeric Planting and Care
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a tropical perennial herb that is well-suited for growing in a food forest in central Florida. It is known for its bright yellow-orange color, unique flavor, and numerous health benefits. When growing turmeric in a food forest in central Florida, it is important to choose a location that receives partial shade…
Culantro Planting and Care
Culantro (Eryngium foetidum), also known as “fit weed” or “Mexican coriander” is a tropical perennial herb that is well-suited for growing in a food forest in central Florida. It is a popular herb in Caribbean and Latin American cuisine, and it is used as a substitute for cilantro. It is my favorite of all the…
Basil Planting and Care
Basil is a flavorful herb that is well-suited for growing in a food forest in central Florida. It is a popular herb that can add a lot of flavor to a variety of dishes and also it has medicinal properties. In permaculture, the herbaceous layer refers to the layer of plants in a food forest…
Sweet Potato Planting and Care
Sweet potatoes are delicious, nutritious root vegetables that grow well in the food forests of central Florida. These warmth-loving plants thrive in the region’s long, warm summers and mild winters, making them ideal for food forests and home gardens. I consider sweet potatoes to be our king of calorie crops. The first 2 food forest…
Longevity and Okinawan Spinach Planting and Care
Longevity spinach (Guynura procumbens) and Okinawan Spinach (Gynura crepioides) are tropical leafy greens that is native to Southeast Asia and is well-suited for growing in a food forest or as a survival crop in Florida. The plant has dark green leaves that are rich in vitamins and minerals and have a slightly sweet, nutty flavor.…
Seminole Pumpkin Planting and Care
Seminole pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata). What better name for a true Florida native food forest plant, right? It is a type of squash that is native to the southeastern United States and is well-suited for growing in a food forest or as a survival crop in Florida. In fact, the name of the town, Chassahowitzka, just…